Letzshop Ads for local businesses

Boost your business with dedicated Facebook ads

While being a part of Letzshop's collective advertising campaigns offers great visibility, a dedicated campaign tailored specifically for your business can help you broaden your reach and turn Facebook users into customers.

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Amplify your impact on Facebook

Tailored campaigns for maximum engagement. Targeted reach. Spotlight on offers. Brand resonance.


Highlight special offers

Promote exclusive deals, seasonal sales or new product launches.


Target specific audiences

Reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your products.


Strengthen brand identity

Craft a unique message that resonates with your brand's values and vision.

Unlock the power of personalization

In the bustling digital marketplace of today, standing out is more crucial than ever. A dedicated campaign can be the game-changer you need.

Tailored specifically to your brand, these campaigns not only amplify your visibility but also resonate deeply with your target audience.

  • Expand your audience

    Engage potential customers with timely, relevant messages that resonate.
  • Boost your engagement

    Drive unparalleled traffic to your platform, ensuring every visit counts.
  • Skyrocket your sales

    Harness actionable insights to achieve remarkable sales, wherever your customers are.
  • Foster lasting loyalty

    Cultivate enduring relationships, ensuring customers return time and again.

Letzshop Ads pricing

Whether you're looking to dip your toes with our one-month test package or dive deep with a recurrent campaign, we've got you covered.

Dedicated campaign

3 months minimum

420€ HTVA

per month

  • Image or carousel ad
  • Media budget of 5€ / day
  • Auto-translation in French, German & English
  • Campaign monthly optimisations
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Test campaign

1 month

500€ HTVA

single price

  • Image or carousel ad
  • Media budget of 5€ / day
  • Auto-translation in French, German & English
  • Campaign monthly optimisations
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Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to your questions about Letzshop ads

Once your payment is processed, our team gets to work on crafting your dedicated campaign. You can expect your campaign to be live within a maximum of 3 business days.

While real-time tracking isn't available, rest assured that you'll receive a comprehensive export of all your campaign results. For those on the test package, this report will be provided at the end of the campaign. For recurrent packages, you'll receive this valuable data monthly, ensuring you're always informed about your campaign's performance.

For those on the test package, modifications post-launch aren't possible. However, if you've opted for the recurrent campaigns, you can suggest changes. It's important to note that any proposed alterations will be reviewed by our digital marketing expert, and changes will be implemented only if deemed beneficial for the campaign's optimization.

The general Letzshop advertising pools together all stores and products from the entire platform. This means that while it offers broad exposure, your specific business might get less spotlight due to the collective participation of all Letzshop member stores. On the other hand, a dedicated campaign is tailored exclusively for your business. It not only ensures you get more focused exposure but also employs specific targeting based on interests aligned with your products and brand. This targeting means your ads reach audiences who are more likely to engage and convert.

No, there are no hidden fees. What you see in the package prices is what you pay. We believe in transparency and ensure that our clients are fully informed about all costs upfront.

Step into the spotlight

Don't let your brand get lost in the crowd. Elevate your presence with a campaign tailored just for you. The next level of success is just a click away.

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